lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010


1.- Who was Nelson Mandela before the apartheid?
           After the apartheid, he was an anti-apartheid activist, and the leader of Umkhonto we Sizwe, the armed wing of the African National Congress (ANC). In 1962 he was arrested and convicted of sabotage and other charges, and sentenced to life in prison.
2.-What kind of problems did the Berlin wall produce?
       The people couldn't go to the other part of the city, the life conditions in the easter part were worst than in the western and the people tried to escape from the east were punished
3.-What empires finished in the 19th century?
        The most important were Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese empires. 
4.-What did Eleanor Roosevelt do for Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948?
        She demonstrated against racism and suported the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
5.-Which year did the people of France adopt the Declaration of the Human Right of Mom ? What is this?
      Is an ironic text based on t
he right of man and the citizen dedicated a Marie Antoinette and it was adopted on 1791 
6.-Who was Karl Marx?
          He was an intellectual ,comunist and a revolutionary. His ideas had an important role in the communism and socialism

7.-What was the reason of the American Civil war?
          Some estates aproved the slavery abolishment and anothers don't
8.-When did the colonial expansion begin?
           In the middle of the 19th century 
9.-Where did the powerful european created empires?
            In 1400
10.-When and where were the Carta Magna signed? What is Magna Carta?
            Magna Carta is a document that asked the king to share the power with the citizen. It was signed in 15th June 1215.
11.- Why did Africans go to America?
            Because they were captured for slavery
12.-What day was the american independence declared?
           4th July 1776
13.-Who was the leader of the american revolution?
           George Washington 
14.-Who marked the beginning of the end of the Apartheid?
            Nelson Mandela 
15.-What did an american court decided in 1841?
16.-When did Ghandi help India to independence?
            In 1947
17.-When did the american revolution finished? What happened?
            It finished in 1865 because the north arrived to the south. 
18.-Who was Moses?
            He was a biblical character  freed the Jews from Egypt
19.-Which were the laws of God? Are they similar to the present human rights now?
           They are a list of religious and moral imperatives that, according to the Hebrew Bible, were spoken by God to the people of Israel.Yes,they are a little bit similar in the present human rights.
20.-Who was Antigone? and King Greon?
           Antigone is the subject of a popular story in which she attempts to secure a respectable burial for her brother Polyneices, even though he was a traitor to Thebes.
21.-Who was the king in UK in 1918?
           George V 
22.-What was the Inquisition?
          A number of historical expurgation movements against heresy
23.-How did king and tribal chiefs use their power?
They used their power to have people down him and they did the bad work. 
24.-What happend on 15th century?
Spain and Potugal discovered America